Down in Kitty's Bassment

A flag-wavin', Earth-lovin', independent Pagan-in-a-giant-red-cornfield point of view. Believe it or not, there are some open minds in Nebraska. Oh, and I love NFL football too.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Support Same Sex Marriage to Prevent Gay Marriage

Brian Lee Johnson recently wrote a letter to the editor of the Lincoln (Nebraska) Journal-Star newspaper. The letter spewed forth a bunch of nonsense that if "gay marriage" is approved that the beautiful sanctity of modern American marriage will be destroyed. He furthermore went on to say that if "gay marriage" becomes a reality we will then have a nation overrun with sodomy, bestiality, prostitution, pedophilia, and basically every other sexual deviance known to man.

Mr. Johnson, I hate to burst your idyllic little bubble but "gay marriage" happens every day in this country. It's been legal and in fact encouraged for years. I know this because I am the only product of a gay marriage, and I was an unwitting participant in a gay marriage for 7 years (the eighth and final year of the marriage I knew and we were trying to work it out for the kid's sake.)

My father knew he was attracted to men way before he married my mother in 1972 (and he claims she was aware of it at the time) but the Catholic priest who did their pre-marital counseling advised him that all he needed to do was marry a good Catholic girl and start having good Catholic babies. (And if that's how homosexuality is "cured" then WHY DON'T THEY WANT TO ALLOW PRIESTS TO MARRY???!!!!) For whatever reason it didn't work. If Mom wasn't aware of it before marriage, she certainly became aware of it after he was arrested in a city park or a rest area or something like that. But they stayed together in a really strange marriage for 20 years for my sake I guess. Once I was successfully (?) married off they legally separated, and then finally divorced a few years later. I know my dad is a much happier person now that he is out of the closet and I am fairly certain my mom is at least a little happier in her life. I think she might have been happier if she had been able to find someone to marry after the divorce because she's fairly lonely and that's what girls raised in the 50's and 60's are supposed to do anyway. For my part, I don't remember exactly when I figured out my dad was gay, but I'm happy he's happy and I just hope he can hook up with a really great guy someday (because he's picked some not-so-great ones so far).

Fast-forward to me. I was really into sex in my adolescence and had many intimate boyfriends. I met this gorgeous guy (really gorgeous) and we started a relationship. I should have sensed something was amiss when I went to his clean and well-decorated apartment. He had silk flower arrangements and artwork and decorative mirrors and antiques (which should have been a gigantic red flag). In hindsight that is pretty unusual for a 23 year-old bachelor. He was a chef at a local members-only supper club (like a country club but no golf course). And he was so cute I broke my one big rule at the time, which was no more deflowering virgins. After my successful college-investigation trip to New York City, we celebrated. I had left my pills in Ohio (whoops), he failed to withdraw like he said he would, and I ended up pregnant. Three months after our first son was born we were married in a nice wedding. We had enjoyed a healthy and motivated sex life up until that point, even through pregnancy. Once that wedding was over though it was like someone threw a switch somewhere inside him and the sex dropped off dramatically. He tried very hard to convince me it was my fault - I was fat, I was ugly, who would want me, blah blah blah. I approached him almost every night for years and met with limited success. I ended up crying more often than not. Granted we had two more children but it wasn't because we were regularly trying. After seven years full of treatment for my depression, several affairs on my part to try make up for what was lacking in our marriage, and some marriage counseling with our pastor (my pastor because he never went to church with me) he finally came out to me. He claimed he was bi. I wanted him to be happy like a good wife and helped him discover his new self. I counselled him through a few relationships (apparantly he wasn't aware of how men behave when they date someone), let him try on some of my clothes when he asked, and kept his dirty little secret. Locally I still do keep his secret. You see, when a married guy comes out of the closet, it is generally just for long enough to drag his wife in there with him and then slam the door shut again. His parents still don't know - they think the divorce was all my fault. Once they found out their son was planning on giving me custody, they said they would throw all the money they had at making sure that did not happen (I did not want to drag our three precious babies through a nasty battle in court plus I had no job and no money for a custody fight so I volunteered to become the non-custodial parent). He has been in a committed relationship with a wonderful older man for several years now (but not living together of course as that would be a dead giveaway) and is also a very beautiful drag queen in his spare time.

My story, and that of my parents, is far from unique. Judging from the sheer size of the online support group for straight spouses of gays/lesbains I joined after our divorce this problem is widespread. And it will continue to be a common problem until we destigmatize homosexual relationships and allow gay marriage. I know our society is much more tolerant (as a whole) than it was 30 years ago, but many gay people still believe they have to enter into sham (albeit "conventional") marriages with an unsuspecting member of the opposite sex and have kids because that is what society expects of them. The gay person tries to make it work but is inwardly torn and miserable. Eventually they feel the need to come clean (or get caught in the act or online engaging in homosexual relationships) and then the straight spouse is miserable. Generally there is a divorce and then the children are miserable. "Gay marriage" makes everyone miserable. What happens if we allow these people to meet, fall in love with and marry their one true love no matter their gender? They're happy, some straight person out there who wasn't duped into marrying a gay or lesbian is happy, and all the kids born to (or adopted by) each union knows where things stand and they're happy. All I see is a win-win situation. Let them marry each other like normal people. You'll actually be SAVING the sanctity of marriage, not destroying it.
Latest Katrina Developments and My Opinions on Them

In the latest news today, Laura Bush stood by her man and said that the notion that her husband does not care about black people is wrong. I agree with that. I think the president does not care about people who do not have the means to donate to his political coffers (poor people) or those who would not want to (Democrats). Just because the majority of those people are African-American (or is it ok to say "black" again in this country) doesn't make the president a racist. One only has to look to the east for proof. Many of the victims in Mississippi were white and they haven't gotten shit from FEMA either.

Speaking of FEMA it was also revealed today that Director Mike Brown might have gotten a little carried away when filling out his job application for that job. He allegedly did the Emeril thing and "kicked it up a notch". But it's all ok and he doesn't need to be fired because apparantly his job application didn't have that thingie at the end that every other job application from Wal-mart to IBM (not that IBM actually employs any Americans anymore) has. You know, that part that you sign at the end certifying that all the information you provided is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. Usually it also states that if someone discovers later that you embellished your previous job experience or outright lied, then you're gone. So here in America you could be fired from your $6.00/hr job flipping burgers if you said you were a university professor but it turns out you were just a student. But if you make the same claim as the head of a major federal agency it's all good. Go figure.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

New Orleans News Link

I'm supposed to be drafting my first fantasy football team today. Somehow, my heart isn't in it...

This is an excellent link to the New Orleans Times-Picayune journalists' breaking news weblog. It really will open your eyes if you live anywhere that depends on the "national media" coverage of Hurricane Katrina aftermath.

I know my opinions of the people of the city and disaster relief have changed since I found this blog. I still don't understand why hungry desperate people would want to burden themselves with big electronic equipment or burn businesses and structures which would have been helpful to the economic development of the area. But the blog did show me that FEMA doesn't know its ass from a gopher hole and is headed by a clueless little man who will say anything to try to make his sh*t smell like anything but.

This really hit home when I went to work and they said 7 of our stores were shut down and that only 94 out of 300 employees had been accounted for (by the company). That's incredible. Less than 1/3. Of course I am certain that many more than that are alive and contacting corporate just isn't high on their priority list. It's really wierd when I stop to think that a week and a half ago, there were 300 people doing exactly what I do every day and in the space of a few hours' destruction it's all gone. The same could happen to any of us anywhere at any time.

I just hope everything turns out alright. We're thinking of taking a trip early next year, and I can't think of anyplace better than Mardi Gras in New Orleans, because they'll be needing the business by then.