A BIG thank you to Katherine Harris!!!
I would just like to publicly thank Katherine Harris for setting the record straight as to the true intent of the extreme X-tian right. The not-so-secret agenda has finally been exposed in all it's glory. And the Democrats are guaranteed to win that seat she's running for. I would say I love you, Ms. Harris; but a) it would be a lie and b) you might assume I am one of those evil lesbian people.
For those who missed it, I've posted some of the highlights of her lovely little interview:
Separation of church and state is "a lie we have been told," Harris said in the interview, published Thursday, saying separating religion and politics is "wrong because God is the one who chooses our rulers." (Reeeally. This explains all those provisional ballots from heavily Democratic districts in Ohio getting thrown away and all those dysfunctional voting machines in Native American precincts in New Mexico. GOD HIMSELF willed it.)
"If you're not electing Christians, then in essence you are going to legislate sin," Harris said. (I guess X-tians have the monopoly on morality. That's a relief, now I won't have to try so hard anymore.)
When called out on those particular comments, Ms. Harris made the excuse that she was talking to a bunch of Christians, so DUH! she was gonna say stuff like that. Here's the exact quote:
Harris' campaign released a statement Saturday saying she had been "speaking to a Christian audience, addressing a common misperception that people of faith should not be actively involved in government." (So, judging from that - she has proved that politicians will say absolutely ANYTHING to pander to a particular group, whether it is true or not, inflammatory or not, acceptable or not. And that they (politicians) whore themselves out for votes.)
Just so there will be no wondering, I am not a X-tian. I will not say anything bad about their religion specifically because I believe it is forbidden by my Pagan faith. Up until about 3 1/2 years ago I was a very confused but still Jesus-lovin' evangelical X-tian. Up until two or three years ago I was a registered Republican but am now independent. Not Democrat. I support some conservative positions and some liberal positions. I do believe that the Founding Fathers were Christians, but that they understood that government has absolutely no business making religious decisions in anyone's life. That's why they put that whole bit about Congress shall make no laws regarding establishing religion right there in the Constitution. (It's an interesting document, Ms. Harris. Trot yourself down to your local Barnes & Noble's law section and pick one up. Or better yet, click here. Read it.)
Here's the secret agenda: everyone needs to vote for X-tians. If they accidentally don't, or vote for the wrong one, the elections officials can help with that (see election 2000, 2004). Then we can have a government filled with people who never lie, steal, cheat, drink, or have sex with the lights on or in anything other than missionary position (however, raping of the Earth is encouraged). They will then rewrite all the laws in the great United States of America (founded on the principle of freedom) so that no citizen can do any of that stuff either. And they will make certain that we are all behaving like good little X-tians, because they will tap our phones and internet to find out (presumably under the guise of national security). Finally we'll all have to go to church every Sunday in order to get a mark that allows us to buy and sell goods in the common market. No mark, you're a fugitive. Theocracy at its finest (reminds me of the Taliban.) This is what happens when you allow any one group to gain an overwhelming controlling interest in government. Suddenly all the rules change to fit the rules of THEIR church and THEIR god. To me, that is as good as government establishment of a state religion. They may not come out and SAY "The Official Religion of the United States of America is Hardcore Evangelical Christianity" (because as of this writing that is still illegal - but the GOP is probably working on that). But they CAN establish all the tenets of a certain faith to the letter as the law of the land. And that is what they want to do.
This is dangerous ground upon which the evangelicals are treading. And as a freedom-loving, Earth-loving Wiccan "libero-conservative" independent white American female voter, I will not stand for it. I can't imagine that anyone else who loves freedom would stand for it, either. Use your MIND when you vote (and you had better VOTE DAMMIT) this November.
For those who missed it, I've posted some of the highlights of her lovely little interview:
Separation of church and state is "a lie we have been told," Harris said in the interview, published Thursday, saying separating religion and politics is "wrong because God is the one who chooses our rulers." (Reeeally. This explains all those provisional ballots from heavily Democratic districts in Ohio getting thrown away and all those dysfunctional voting machines in Native American precincts in New Mexico. GOD HIMSELF willed it.)
"If you're not electing Christians, then in essence you are going to legislate sin," Harris said. (I guess X-tians have the monopoly on morality. That's a relief, now I won't have to try so hard anymore.)
When called out on those particular comments, Ms. Harris made the excuse that she was talking to a bunch of Christians, so DUH! she was gonna say stuff like that. Here's the exact quote:
Harris' campaign released a statement Saturday saying she had been "speaking to a Christian audience, addressing a common misperception that people of faith should not be actively involved in government." (So, judging from that - she has proved that politicians will say absolutely ANYTHING to pander to a particular group, whether it is true or not, inflammatory or not, acceptable or not. And that they (politicians) whore themselves out for votes.)
Just so there will be no wondering, I am not a X-tian. I will not say anything bad about their religion specifically because I believe it is forbidden by my Pagan faith. Up until about 3 1/2 years ago I was a very confused but still Jesus-lovin' evangelical X-tian. Up until two or three years ago I was a registered Republican but am now independent. Not Democrat. I support some conservative positions and some liberal positions. I do believe that the Founding Fathers were Christians, but that they understood that government has absolutely no business making religious decisions in anyone's life. That's why they put that whole bit about Congress shall make no laws regarding establishing religion right there in the Constitution. (It's an interesting document, Ms. Harris. Trot yourself down to your local Barnes & Noble's law section and pick one up. Or better yet, click here. Read it.)
Here's the secret agenda: everyone needs to vote for X-tians. If they accidentally don't, or vote for the wrong one, the elections officials can help with that (see election 2000, 2004). Then we can have a government filled with people who never lie, steal, cheat, drink, or have sex with the lights on or in anything other than missionary position (however, raping of the Earth is encouraged). They will then rewrite all the laws in the great United States of America (founded on the principle of freedom) so that no citizen can do any of that stuff either. And they will make certain that we are all behaving like good little X-tians, because they will tap our phones and internet to find out (presumably under the guise of national security). Finally we'll all have to go to church every Sunday in order to get a mark that allows us to buy and sell goods in the common market. No mark, you're a fugitive. Theocracy at its finest (reminds me of the Taliban.) This is what happens when you allow any one group to gain an overwhelming controlling interest in government. Suddenly all the rules change to fit the rules of THEIR church and THEIR god. To me, that is as good as government establishment of a state religion. They may not come out and SAY "The Official Religion of the United States of America is Hardcore Evangelical Christianity" (because as of this writing that is still illegal - but the GOP is probably working on that). But they CAN establish all the tenets of a certain faith to the letter as the law of the land. And that is what they want to do.
This is dangerous ground upon which the evangelicals are treading. And as a freedom-loving, Earth-loving Wiccan "libero-conservative" independent white American female voter, I will not stand for it. I can't imagine that anyone else who loves freedom would stand for it, either. Use your MIND when you vote (and you had better VOTE DAMMIT) this November.
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