Down in Kitty's Bassment

A flag-wavin', Earth-lovin', independent Pagan-in-a-giant-red-cornfield point of view. Believe it or not, there are some open minds in Nebraska. Oh, and I love NFL football too.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Latest Katrina Developments and My Opinions on Them

In the latest news today, Laura Bush stood by her man and said that the notion that her husband does not care about black people is wrong. I agree with that. I think the president does not care about people who do not have the means to donate to his political coffers (poor people) or those who would not want to (Democrats). Just because the majority of those people are African-American (or is it ok to say "black" again in this country) doesn't make the president a racist. One only has to look to the east for proof. Many of the victims in Mississippi were white and they haven't gotten shit from FEMA either.

Speaking of FEMA it was also revealed today that Director Mike Brown might have gotten a little carried away when filling out his job application for that job. He allegedly did the Emeril thing and "kicked it up a notch". But it's all ok and he doesn't need to be fired because apparantly his job application didn't have that thingie at the end that every other job application from Wal-mart to IBM (not that IBM actually employs any Americans anymore) has. You know, that part that you sign at the end certifying that all the information you provided is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. Usually it also states that if someone discovers later that you embellished your previous job experience or outright lied, then you're gone. So here in America you could be fired from your $6.00/hr job flipping burgers if you said you were a university professor but it turns out you were just a student. But if you make the same claim as the head of a major federal agency it's all good. Go figure.


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