Down in Kitty's Bassment

A flag-wavin', Earth-lovin', independent Pagan-in-a-giant-red-cornfield point of view. Believe it or not, there are some open minds in Nebraska. Oh, and I love NFL football too.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

My Cultural Illiteracy / Emmy Awards

I mentioned in an earlier post that I don't follow the same TV shows as everyone else. I thought I would give everyone a good laugh and prove it.

I've compiled a list of some of the major nominees and made comments for your pleasure:

Grey's Anatomy - Watched the season premiere. Was terribly disappointed when it turned out to be a two parter. Did not watch 2nd part. Or any other episodes.
House - I think it's another hospital show. Never watched. I miss St. Elsewhere.
Sopranos - Mafia show on a spendy channel. Never watched.
24 - a show about terrorists and the people (ok the guy) that finds 'em. Watched about 3 episodes (or parts thereof) at beginning of last season.
West Wing - Watched 3 or 4 episodes 3 or 4 years ago. I much preferred Commander-in-Chief.
PREDICTED WINNER: West Wing because it's over and they'll honor the whole run like they did Return of the King for all the LOTR movies.

Arrested Development - Never watched.
Curb Your Enthusiasm - Spendy channel. No clue what it's about.
The Office - Never watched - wonder if it's as good as Office Space (the movie)
Scrubs - Another hospital show - see comments for House above.
Two and a Half Men - watched five or six episodes in total since it's been on. It's OK, but conflicted with Monday Night Football.
PREDICTED WINNER: Arrested Development because I heard grousing it never gets noticed.

The Colbert Report - watched twice. Kinda smug, isn't he?
The Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart - watched three times. I like a man with the juevos to take on Bill O'Reilly, especially about something so dumb as an invented holiday in the winter which was originally designed to make an easy transition to Christianity for European Pagans who already celebrated the birth of a Sun in late December.
Late Night w/ Conan O'Brian - watched once or twice back when he was on that falsetto "In the year 2000" kick.
Late Show w/ David Letterman - I actually do watch this show in spurts... or rather I did several years ago before I discovered Anderson Cooper (and Aaron Brown before him).
Real Time w/ Bill Maher - He had another TV show? Who knew? I did read his book though, and it was funny as hell.
PREDICTED WINNER: David Letterman. Who wouldn't love a wholesome guy from Indiana?

It only gets worse getting into actor/actress and supporting categories. And to top it all off NBC got this contract which said they would show football every Sunday night for a long time, and tonight they are NOT having a football game. I have to make due with a game I recorded last night. BREACH OF CONTRACT! If you want to show the football games then by all that is good and holy DO IT! Put the Emmys on some other night, like Tuesday nights. There is no first-run football on any network on Tuesdays. Or move 'em to spring like the Golden Globes and Oscars. No football conflicts there. (Note: the last couple of Sunday night football games are the first time I have watched NBC in years and years. Nothing else worth watching there.


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