Election 2006
I haven't written anything yet about the local general election (or the national election for that matter) because I thought there was WAAAAAY too much political BS going on and I was tired of it. In Nebraska it was Ben Nelson v. Pete Ricketts on TV every two minutes. Mostly it was "Vote for me because the other guy sucks donkey balls." Pete Ricketts, after buying the Republican primary for $3-4 million of his own money, spent another $13 million or so to try and buy the senate seat. How are you feeling about your investment now, Pete? Oh, and don't forget your hat tonight when you close your campaign office.
As I watch CNN, I think of Karl Rove, sinister boy genius of the Republican party. He has got to be in tears right now. It would seem that Republicans are becoming an endangered species in Congress. People are finally saying, "Why the FUCK are we spending billions of dollars overseas to overtake little piss-poor nations with stable legitimate (if evil) governments when people in THIS country are losing jobs every flippin' day?" Bush says "The economy is totally awesome!" Yeah, if you're one of that small minority of people with a portfolio and a country club membership. Lemme clue you in on a little secret, George: for the rest of us (that is, the majority of your subjects) it sucks. We can't pay our rent because we've lost our good manufacturing jobs and it now takes twice as much money to fill our gas tanks to get to our two $6.00 an hour jobs we took to try to make up for the good salary. We're tired of begging the utilities not to shut us off, trying to make a little paycheck stretch to give everyone a little something. And it would be nice if we could see a doctor or a dentist for a checkup, rather than only seeing a doctor when we cut off a limb with a chainsaw (and not being able to pay that bill either.) We want to be able to send our kids to college so they at least have a remote chance of being able to pay THEIR bills someday. That tax cut, which amounted to less than a month's rent annually for normal people, doesn't do a shitload of good when you're so broke you can't PAY the tax bill and the IRS does something nasty to you anyway. This was not so much a referendum on gay marriage or abortion, or even Iraq or terrorism. This was a shout from the great American people that WE'RE MAD AS HELL (AND BROKE) AND WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!
Someone wanna get Karl a bottle of Ripple? I think he's gonna need it, and that's all the rest of us can afford.
As I watch CNN, I think of Karl Rove, sinister boy genius of the Republican party. He has got to be in tears right now. It would seem that Republicans are becoming an endangered species in Congress. People are finally saying, "Why the FUCK are we spending billions of dollars overseas to overtake little piss-poor nations with stable legitimate (if evil) governments when people in THIS country are losing jobs every flippin' day?" Bush says "The economy is totally awesome!" Yeah, if you're one of that small minority of people with a portfolio and a country club membership. Lemme clue you in on a little secret, George: for the rest of us (that is, the majority of your subjects) it sucks. We can't pay our rent because we've lost our good manufacturing jobs and it now takes twice as much money to fill our gas tanks to get to our two $6.00 an hour jobs we took to try to make up for the good salary. We're tired of begging the utilities not to shut us off, trying to make a little paycheck stretch to give everyone a little something. And it would be nice if we could see a doctor or a dentist for a checkup, rather than only seeing a doctor when we cut off a limb with a chainsaw (and not being able to pay that bill either.) We want to be able to send our kids to college so they at least have a remote chance of being able to pay THEIR bills someday. That tax cut, which amounted to less than a month's rent annually for normal people, doesn't do a shitload of good when you're so broke you can't PAY the tax bill and the IRS does something nasty to you anyway. This was not so much a referendum on gay marriage or abortion, or even Iraq or terrorism. This was a shout from the great American people that WE'RE MAD AS HELL (AND BROKE) AND WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!
Someone wanna get Karl a bottle of Ripple? I think he's gonna need it, and that's all the rest of us can afford.
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