Down in Kitty's Bassment

A flag-wavin', Earth-lovin', independent Pagan-in-a-giant-red-cornfield point of view. Believe it or not, there are some open minds in Nebraska. Oh, and I love NFL football too.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Election Day in Nebraska

That's right folks! If you live in the great state of Nebraska, today you get to choose which wealthy white pro-life anti-gay Christian male you want to represent the Republican party for governor, senator, congressman, unicameral, etc. I'll let you know a little secret in advance: it doesn't matter who you pick. They are ALL virtually the SAME guy. Nothing will change, whether it's candidate A or candidate B who makes it to the general election in November. Taxes will STILL be the 8th highest in the nation. Know why? Because they cannot possibly cut the things in the budget that they like to cut (education, health care, food programs, elderly services, roads, etc.) any more without it being EXTREMELY noticable. They will not cut the things they CAN cut (salaries for the "leadership" in the University of Nebraska system, salaries for various state officials, superfluous positions in state government, money for gardens and statues and crap like that, and many many other projects). End game: nothing changes.

I can't change the way things are here but I can provide you with inner peace. I am running as an alternative candidate for EVERY race. Don't want to vote for any of the white anti-choice males running for governor? Vote for me. None of the white anti-gay rich men running for senator appeal to you? Vote for me. You can even write me in for NRD board if you like. If I win I will have the opportunity to finally learn what the heck the NRD board is and why people want to get elected to it.

My candidate bio is short: I am white (can't change that), married (some of the time at least), working class, non-landed (and I am short on the rent so campaign contributions are welcome). I have a full-time job which requires me to be on my feet all day, not a cushy desk job. I have three kids (some of the time). I am extremely broke (95% of the time) so I know what being hungry and not being able to buy new shoes (even when yours have holes) feels like. I live that every day of my life.

My stand on the issues. #1 - I am both pro-choice and pro-life. That means that I think abortion ought to be safe and legal for every woman in the state but also that the state needs to work to make abortions extremely rare. Let's prevent the accidental and unwanted pregnancies. Since kids are gonna do it anyway (yes, they are) we need to keep them from getting pregnant. We need to provide mandatory long-term birth control for everyone under the age of 19 and strongly encourage that the woman continue use until at least marriage. And marriage would be delayed at least until the age of 25. I would prefer 28, but that might be a little extreme. This gives women the opportunity to finish at least a bachelor's degree and get established in a successful career before getting entangled with a man and all the bills that come with them. She learns to negotiate, balance her checkbook, reseach investments, and run her own life. I'm tired of seeing dewey-eyed brides spending tens of thousands of their parent's dollars getting married to some guy (that also doesn't matter because it's the wedding that counts, not the marriage). They have a kid or maybe two and then they fall in love with someone else, take the kids, screw the dad over for child support and call it good.

#2 - Allow gay marriage. They are human, not less than human. It does not need to be a religious ceremony because "religion" as it is today is just a bunch of rules that the Romans designed in order to bring their ever-growing empire under control. Both partners do need to be all the guaranteed legal rights that straight couples enjoy. It's the right thing to do. Besides, if they are marrying each other, they won't be marrying straights under false pretenses and then ruining many many lives down the road. (And if you think this is NOT a problem go look at the number and size of support groups for straight spouses. At least hundreds of thousands of people marry someone who turns out to be gay or lesbian later, and most do not take it as well as I did.)

#3 - Cut taxes for anyone who makes under $25,000 for singles, $50,000 for married couples no children or singles with children, $75,000 for families with children. NO taxes for these groups. And eliminate ANY and ALL loopholes for people who are better off. Picture this: you are married and even with two full-time incomes you cannot pay rent, have various utilities shut off every month, can't afford food except for when the kids visit, can't afford clothes even when they wear out. There simply is no money. You become extremely good at begging off creditors. And you owe more than $3000 in federal income tax. The vice president (who presumably does not pay rent or utilities for his official residence, obviously gets plenty of food, owns half of Wyoming and can buy off anyone he accidentally shoots on a hunting trip) gets almost $2 million in refund! Why does the government want to take $3000 we do not have and give it to the vice president, who could easily wipe his ass with it, flush it, and not blink? I do not understand America.

#4 - Concealed carry would be the law of the state and there would be NOTHING any individual city could do to curtail that right. Period. Why should the criminals be the only ones who get to carry guns?

#5 - Keep the small schools - They have proven time and again that they are far more efficient at both using their limited resources and at education students. I LOVE the idea of breaking up Omaha Public Schools as the legislature wants. OPS did not want the burden of educating more students - they do a crappy job of educating the ones they have now. They just wanted the money that would have come with swallowing up all those smaller school districts. There's a reason parents put their kids in smaller school districts. THEY LEARN SOMETHING THERE! Almost ALL of the money goes directly to educating the student, not paying a hundred or more bureaucrats to run the school system.

There are more stands on more issues, but this is getting long. It boils down to this: you can vote for one of the well-to-do WASP men who want to spend your money and curtail your rights. Or you can write in "BASSKITTY." We won't win, but we will be able to sleep tonight.


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